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Module1Unit1 He’s a doctor.教学设计
来源:本站 作者:张燕 2023/5/26 1:48:00 浏览:2751

Module1Unit1 He’s a doctor.教学设计 

西安航天城第一小学教育集团  张燕       

Module Theme:

Talking about occupations


Analysis of Materials

  = 1 \* roman i.Vocabulary:

     he, he’s=he is, she, she’s=she is, me, doctor, nurse, driver, policeman, pupil

   = 2 \* roman ii.Target Sentence:

      1. This is my…

      2. He’s a…

      3. She’s a…









He’s a doctor.



She’s a nurse.


Analysis of students:

SS have learned this Module,their have already has basic about jobs. So it’s not difficult for them to use the key language “This is my…”  “He’s a …// She’s a …”to introduce one’s family members.SS in grade one are very active and they are really curious.so it’s important for them to give the chance to express and show them. Classroom active is also the important part,it can make SS be the main part of this class.


By learning this class, SS can

1. understand the context by reading pics and read the text.

2. understand and use the target sentence: “He’s…=He is…//

She’s…= She is…” to talk about one’s occupations: doctor, teacher.

3. cultivate SS’ reading by reading English loudly and confidently.


1. master the target words: “doctor, teacher”

2. understand and use the key sentences: “He’s…=He is…// She’s…= She is…” to talk about one’s occupations:

3. have a good reading the text part2.


1. understand and use the key sentences: “He’s…=He is…// She’s…= She is…”.

2. know about the occupations of Hua MuLan & Ma Liang .

Teaching methods:

Communicative teaching method,

Total Physical response

CLS(cooperation learning structure)

Situational Teaching method

Question and Answer/ Tip Tip Tell Tell

Game teaching method

Learning Strategies

In the class,SS can learn by

1. watching pics and cartoons to understand dialogues and context.

2. using family photos.

3.classroom activities


Pictures, CAI,cards

Hours Arrangement:

    Module 1 ---- 4 teaching hours      

the 1st period


Step I. Warmer-up & Lead-in

1. Classroom rules.

2. Lead-in

T: Guess,who is she?/Who is he?

S1: (预设)He’s Maliang.(there is a clue for you:He’s a boy. You know him)

S2: (预设)She’s Huamulan.---present Huamulan.

T: look,it’s a pencil.it’s a magic pencil.whose pencil?can you guess?--present Maliang.

3. clear barrier(扫障).

He(He’s=he is)   She(she’s=she is)

4. Question:What are their job? Expend the words”soldiers,artist”

(Purpose: 运用课堂口令训练课堂规则,并通过师生、生生之间以唱歌等问好形式开启轻松的学习氛围,并抓住学生注意力,同时也激发了学生的学习热情。在导入部分通过who?这一问题驱动,引发学生思考和猜测。同时将boy girl等已经学习过的词汇进行复习巩固,激活已有的知识储备,也通过he,she 的chant活动的操练进行难词扫障,为呈现部分学习做好铺垫。)

Step II. Presentation--Learning and comprehension

T:who is he? What is his job? So,today let’s learn jobs.we will talk about M1U1 He’s a doctor.(板书标题)

1. Sing the song—The doctor on the bus.

2. Picture walk(and the interview video from HTTV)

BB---W--What do I want to learn?

T: Do You know,there are so many jobs.farmer,doctor.....

(Purpose: 学生真实采访视频,图片环游,多模态形式和手段,整体感知各种职业。)

3. play the video.(1st time)

T: still remember this question?how about Sam,what is job of Sam and his family?let’s watch a video first.

Question 1.How many people are there in Sam’s family?

Question 2.Who are they?

(Purpose: 带着问题进行第一遍视频内容感知,复习旧有知识的同时抓取关键信息。)

4. Review old knowledge,guess the family member.

BB---K---What do I know?

5. watch the video.(2nd time)

Question 1.What is Mom’s job?

Question 2.What is dad’s job?

(Purpose: 问题升级,通过猜测Sam爸爸妈妈的职业,层层递进导入职业的学习。)

BB:This is my_________.He’s a _________.

     This is my_________.She’s a_________.

6. Look for the key information about the text.

She’s a teacher.

He’s a doctor.

Is this your sister?

(Purpose 1: 在语篇中寻找关键句,培养学生抓取关键信息的能力,攻克本课重难点内容。)

(Purpose 2: 大单元主题概念--语篇整体感知--升级操练活动--教师师范--学生展示,形成有效学习闭环。)

Step III. CAclassroom activities--Practice and application

1.Let’s make a dialogue.

2. Read the text by turns.(presentation)

3. Let’s practice.

(Purpose: Let students read after it and pay attention to the pronunciation, the intonation and the emotion. 练习过程中强调发音,语音语调及语言情感的准确表达。本环节进行分层练习,学生可以选择不同的语篇进行操练,照顾到不同层次的学生,达到育人目的。)

Step IV. Production--Transfer and creation 

1. Whose things?(light for guess)

2. Group Work : I can introduce (IWB)---work by six

(Purpose1: 通过职业语篇的输入输出操练,导入本模块的5种职业,培养学生根据服饰、物品等信息,推断职业的能力。小组成员在真实情境中运用及拓展语言,达到语言语用功能。)

(Purpose 2: 了解身边常见的职业,拓展不同职业学习,紧扣人与社会主题范畴,拓展认知。)

Step V. Emotion

What do you want to be?

(Purpose: 学生思考并表达自己以后的Dream job,在心中种下梦想的种子,培养积极向上的生活学习态度,开展真实交际,体现本课核心素养功能及育人目标。)


1. make a family tree

2. Introduce your family member.

(Purpose: 特色作业设置,二选一完成,分层分难度,学生可挑选自己喜欢的任务进行完成。)

Year 版权所有:西安航天城第一小学 2015-2024/5/19 17:22:30
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